Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New digs

I have the keys to my new life. This last weekend, I moved most of my stuff into my new postage stamp of an apartment. Couple things are still not there, but it will happen. The sofa on the last post got returned before I took possession. I realized I should really have a real bed. Since there is limited room, I sold my sister my old bed and I bought a twin. It allows me more room for storage. As a result, I actually think everything is going to fit. I just bought a couple bookshelves to house all my books among other things. Got some shelves in the kitchen for all my pots and pans, etc. I am just glad that I didn't have to move my stuff in and immediately start living there. I am able to set things up on my own time and get it set up. Today, got my cable installed. The highlight was a cute technician who was from Nottingham England.