Saturday, April 08, 2006

parlez vous francais?

I have delayed the french classes long enough. This summer term I am going to resume french classes in my attempt to become proficient enough for graduate school and other things. I have used the paltry memory of the french language (hello, I had nearly 4 years in high school and 1 year in college) as a weak excuse for not going back to obtain my graduate degree in int'l relations/business. Well, that is going to change.

What was the epiphany that provoked this decision? The Peace Corps informational meeting I went to this week. Okay, I just realized this could be a long post as there are a lot of things that have been percolating in my head that a couple of you know about but I haven't told many people. I get tired of people who always say they are going to do something, but never follow through. I too often am that person myself, which is probably why I hate that trait in other people.

Well, a prior coworker quit her job last month so that she could join the peace corps. She is going to South Africa to do micro lending. This brought up memories of talking with peace corps reps at my university center when I was in college and my desire to go then. Back then, I didn't have the skill set or academic background they were looking for so it was a no go. They have expanded their options to include business development (either that, or else my job history now makes me qualified). Do you know when you get those tingling sensations in your whole body when you hear or see something that speaks to you? Well, my whole body was tingling and I got so excited about the prospect of doing it.

I have since sat down and worked out a budget to see what could be done with finances since I would need to payoff my credit cards. I discovered that with a little, but not too much, self discipline, I can be completely out of debt in a year at most. I have even begun filling out the online application that is pretty time consuming.

So that brings me to the French thing. I went to this informational workshop on Wednesday night and found out that they prefer applicants give the process a year to get an assignment. I get another little tingle since this matches up perfectly with my financial timeline. They then say that for most posts, you do not need to know the language ahead of time, except for two regions. Latin America requires 2 years of college spanish and then West Africa requires 2 years of college french. Again, another overwhelming feeling that things were lining up. I spoke with the recruiter and she said that even though it was so long ago, if I could get a letter from a professor attesting to my grasp of the language, it would be sufficient. She also said that they have a shortage of French speakers so pretty much if you have some French, even if not the 2 years "required", you almost certainly go to West Africa.

You may be wondering why I want to go to West Africa so bad. In addition to my love of the African continent after my South African trip, I want to establish a proficiency in French. It is the most useful 2nd language for me to have for graduate school and the peace corps will help to solidify this requirement.

I now have renewed drive to get in the French class sooner than later. Starting in the summer, I will start taking night classes and hope that those of you who know how to speak French will keep encouraging me in my quest to master le francais.


Hey, It's Ansley said...

Sara - Bien fait! Je suis si enthusiaste pour toi. Tu va etre superbe en Afrique.

OK enough French. Not even sure about some of it anymore, it's been too long.

When I moved to Portland, I was deciding between Portland or the Peace Corps. I think I made the right choice and now have a nursing degree that will allow me to do more to help. Or I will have it soon.

I am so excited for you and jealous. I met so many West Africans on my mission and they were wonderful, open, warm people. You will have such a wonderful time and make such a huge difference. In Thailand, it was amazing to see how a small loan could change the entire course of someone's life.

And the West African French accent is the best; French is already beautiful (not biased or anything) but this accent just rolls off the tongue and sounds like a song.

Good luck!

aisy said...

Man sara, we need to live in the same city. Africa is probably the one place in the world that I want to go to the most. I got tingles reading your post because I could really sense those moments we all have when we just feel so right about something. Best of luck. My french is not so tres bein. I'm a sad representation of Canada!

Sara said...

It has been a while since I had that clear sign that this is what I need to do. Either that, or I wasn't picking up on the signs and finally Heavenly Father just hit me over the head with it.

I think I caught most of what you said, Ansley. At least the gist.

I am sure that once I am there, I will welcome anyone and everyone who wants to visit the region. They give nearly 5 weeks of paid vacation a year so I would have the time.

Kelly said...

Hey, just checking out your blog and I am glad I did.

My sister and brother-in-law were in the Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa. I have been there. Let me know if you would like to contact them with aby questions. My sister is a great resource.

If you go to West Africa you will also learn an African dialect. They learned Zarma. That is very cool.

Good luck with this. Very exciting.

Ruthie said...

I am so excited for you! Go for it! The only thing I know how to say in French my mother taught me and it means "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" She says my grandfather taught her that with the instructions to say no to anyone who said that to her.

Everything you wrote sounds great and exciting. I hope that things keep going your way!