Thursday, April 12, 2007

the spoken word vs. the written word?

Do you think we as people have our most intellectual of discussions with the written conversation or the spoken dialogue? How do we encapsulate those things discovered in the spoken dialogue so that we can refer back to it and allow it to grow within us and possibly change our own perceptions of ourselves?

I just recently came across a response to a friends email that I had saved on my computer for some reason. The bulk of our emailing was done on a website that deletes messages after 30 days whether you want them to or not. Needless to say, I forgot about this until I decided I wanted to print out the conversations and couldn't find them. But discovering this response on my computer made me realize how often I forget that I can and do have intellectual discussions. I also forget how much I thoroughly enjoy them. Spoken converations probably happen often as well, but I have a short memory when it comes to this stuff and so do need the reminders of those things written down. But what about other people?


Tamara said...

I think I'm dumberer on paper.


I actually don't know the answer. But lately I've been thinking a lot about the different ways people communicate. And I think some people, in general, are just better talkers. And then there are others who get a little intimidated by that and need to write down their thoughts.

I need both. But I think I can b.s. much better in person than on paper.

Sara said...

I can definitely bs better in person...especially when I can get the visual clues from the person.

But if you are dumberer on paper, Tam, then you are a freaking genius in my book! I love reading what you write. I usually am left with something to think about.

aisy said...

sara, that's why i worry about relationships based purely on emails etc because the written word provides us with time to ponder, write carefully and thoughtfully what we want to say. speaking is so much different and if relationships were just written, well, that would rock, but they don't... one of my beliefs why most internet relationships fail.

well, that was a tangent... i think we need both and i love both.