Friday, October 26, 2007

I heart burgerville

Just when I thought my love for Burgerville couldn't grow any more, I get proved wrong. Given the wonderfully sunny and crisp, but not cold, fall weather we are having, I decided to walk to Burgerville for lunch. As I ordered all my food that was pretty much all locally grown or made in the NW, the cashier asked that I NOT throw my garbage away after I ate. Before I could ask why, she informs me that the company has made the decision to compost and recycle! How very NW and cool is that?!?!?!?! In their research, Burgerville hopes to reduce their garbage sent to landfills will be reduced 85% from 340 tons a month to a mere 41 tons! See the article below for details. (sorry for the need to likely copy and paste on the link. I am at work and not really wanting to take the time to figure out why the link isn't working right now...)


Jessica said...

Whoaho! I love Bugerville even more now too! The only fast food chain I can say that about!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Burgerville!!

Tamara said...

i love this. and i love burgerville. even if it costs me the price of a college course for a burger.
i'll be in portland next year. do they have chocolate hazelnut milkshakes yet?

Sara said...

Tamara in Portland!?!?!? Yeehaw!

Currently they have the pumpkin spice milkshakes, but chocolate hazelnut shakes are coming soon.

aisy said...

mmm, choc hazelnut? that sounds soooo good. i love that they recycle. i am feeling green these days. i finally got on to a recycling program and have bought canvas shopping bags (utah is SO far behind the times).