Monday, April 02, 2007

The Secret is out but I wish it wasn't

This post is really my venting of how much The Secret bugs me. I can appreciate and recognize that like attracts like and that if you send out positive energy, it is a good thing and that usually that is what you get back. But it seems like since Oprah championed the whole concept and the craze, tons of people credit it for their success...and it is getting ridiculous.

When people say that they won a contest because they believe in the Secret and they practiced the principles of it, I just want to scream. If you go with that thinking, then clearly the other contestants weren't really believing in the Secret or else they weren't believing in it as much. Aargh.

If you want to believe in the concept, fine. But at least recognize that the belief should be more that if you want good things in your life you should project good things. You don't get to always pick what those good things are. God does. You just need to be open to the possibility.

Okay. That is it. It is out of my system.


Tamara said...

according to the secret, you will only get negativity back if you send it out there...

just kidding sara! don't kill me! :)

Elizabeth said...

I have a friend who believes that it doesn't matter what you DO, but if you THINK good things will happen, then they will. Wouldn't that be nice! I haven't read the
Secret, but I sure am sick of people telling me that I should read it and love it as if it were my child or something.

Sara said...

Don't worry Tam, I laughed as I read your comment.

I definitely believe positive thinking goes a long way. The placebo effect with some drug studies shows this. Lizzy, I guess I am lucky I don't have people insisting I read the thing. I just see it all around EVERYWHERE. It reminds me of the Atkins diet or some other diet fad. If only we could find a happy medium between the all and nothing stance, I would be a happy camper.

Ruthie said...

I've been secretly wishing you'd say something about this very secret matter and I'm so glad my secret-CIA energy finally got through to you! Hope things are going well w/ you. Miss you, Roo

Sara said...

Roo!!!! I miss you!!!