Thursday, January 05, 2006

Do you feel lucky?

I went running on Saturday with my friend Aimee and as we were walking back to our houses (she lives at the corner of my short street), we were barely missed by a bird-in-flight's droppings. I mean, had we been 1 foot to the right, the bird could have nailed two people with one drop. Also, last week on Boxing Day, I was going to go with my sister and her boyfriend to see a movie. Well, unbeknownst to us, for him that meant King Kong. He got all psyched to see it, but I had since decided I wasn't going to go and my sister really can't handle a 3 hour+ movie (she can barely sit still for a 2 hour film). My sister, urged on by my mom, decided to do the good girlfriend thing and go. Both of these events got me thinking about gratitude and the need to be thankful for what isn't going on in my life.

I am thankful that I didn't get hit by the bird. I am also thankful that I don't have a husband, a current boyfriend, or event a guy on the near horizon that has even piqued my fancy (wait, as I am writing this, maybe I should be a bit upset about this). I don't have to make compromises with my time, where I go on vacation, what I buy, etc. Whenever I do end up in a long term relationship, I can then be thankful that I always have a date to my company Christmas party, have someone to eat dinner with (and split the work of cooking), and not make it pathetic when I run errands on a Friday or Saturday night.

But now, I am thankful that it is a new year. Past mistakes and failed endeavors are wiped clean and new challenges await me.

Happy New Year everyone!


Hey, It's Ansley said...

I always heard that getting hit by bird droppings was good luck. Maybe I only believe this because I have been on the receiving end twice and this is how I have dealt with the trauma.

Whichever is true, I hope you have a very lucky new year!

aisy said...

i love running errands on weekend nights. it's less busy and then i can sleep in longer on the weekend!

happy new year mcollie

ps-are you running half marathon in st. george?

Tamara said...

I love your attitude.

I also love learning that you and Aimee avoided the bird droppings and that Ansley has somehow been crapped on twice.

I have not been crapped upon in the literal sense -- oh wait, except for my little niece who was sick on Christmas. Ugh. Leaky diaper AND vomit on Aunt Tam...

McOllie is the luckiest of us all!

Sara said...

Yeah, the same people who say it is lucky to get bird droppings probably say having it rain on the day of a momentous event brings good luck too. That's what the japanese commencement speaker tried to tell us during the downpour at my outdoor college graduation ceremony. Don't know if either bring good luck, but depending on what you wear, they can add a cleaning bill to your expenses.

Sara said...

aisy - no longer doing the half marathon. Amy and I were thinking of heading out your way during MLK weekend...until we realized it was this weekend. Will you be around President's Day weekend (Feb 20th)?

aisy said...

i most certainly will! oooh how fun.