Tuesday, December 06, 2005

This Isn't the Real America

A friend of mine sent me this article written by Jimmy Carter that appeared in the LA Times on 11/14/05. I find the tone of this compared to the letter in my last post is startling.


While I confess I don't know much about when he was president, I am impressed with his ability to do so much since his "forced retirement"as he called it last night on the Daily Show. His position on all of the issues addressed in his article are rooted in his belief as a follower of Christ and shows that the fundamentalist christian base does not own the sole right to speak for Him. They may be the loudest but are they the most in tune with His wishes? Am I doing all I can to lend my voice to this fight? Probably not, but passing this on is a start.


aisy said...

i really liked that article. however, do you ever feel a bit disillusioned? i mean, there are those of us that understand what carter is saying, but this isn't often reflected in voting patterns, nor in presidential administrations.

Sara said...

I often feel disillusioned. This is the conundrum of politics in the US. I just have to continue to vote for who I hate hte least and then lend my voice on specific issues. I also think, Bush administration aside, that usually the difference in administrations isn't that great and most things need change through grassroots means.