Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Now I know how a caged bird feels

I need to go on vacation. That is pretty much the beginning, middle and end of the story. It has been over a year since I have gone anywhere outside of the beautiful Pacific Northwest and my emotional and mental health is being affected! In the last couple months all plans to get out of Dodge have been thwarted the week before going. Also, a possible trip to Europe in the fall may not happen. To top it off, my trip to Boston to visit family keeps getting pushed back. Boston is currently the one that is making me sad. One of my roommates is going there for work tomorrow and her brother just got his mission call there. To get psyched for the trip, she has been listening to Augustana's Boston and watching Boston movies like Fever Pitch and Good Will Hunting, etc. Makes me homesick for a place I have never been to. Ugh. This is why I appreciate solo traveling, I don't have to coordinate with anyone's schedule but my own. So here are my for and against lists for traveling alone:

1. No one to take my picture
2. Having to eat at restaurants by myself.
3. No one to talk to.
4. Depending on where I go, restricts how late I can stay out on the town safely.
5. Can be cheaper for hotels.
6. Afterwards, no one to laugh with about the trip.

1. Get to be selfish and do whatever I want to do.
2. Don't have to worry I will get annoyed with my dear friend and travel companion.
3. Get to be selfish and eat whatever I want.
4. Easier to crash with friends when I am by myself.
5. Don't have to worry about whether the trip is too expensive or to cheap for my travel companion.
6. Get to be selfish and do whatever I want. (yeah, I know I already said it, but it bears saying twice).


aisy said...

i say plan a trip for yourself and one with a friend. that way you'll get out of town one way or another. i feel you on needing a trip...

Hey, It's Ansley said...

Me too! I'll be done with school soon and have some free time if I want it, but I am missing the other necessary component to a fun trip, $. It's always one or the other, time or money.